Meadow Brook Foundation

Boards of Directors:

President – Rick Teague
Vice President – Donna Heeres
Treasurer – Kathy Lightbody
Secretary – Marna Robertson
Voting Members: Jenn Held

Charitable Giving

The Meadow Brook Foundation was established in January 2002 for the purpose to support and benefit Meadow Brook Medical Care Facility. It is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization..

The Foundation has directed their efforts in promoting the Career Enhancement Program with funds raised by community fund raising events and general donations. This program is for Meadow Brook employees who would like to become Licensed Practical Nurses and Registered Nurses. There is a national crisis in the nursing field with more nurses nearing retirement and less graduating to replace them. The Foundation hopes this program will assist Meadow Brook to maintain a professional staff to provide resident care services, provide employees an opportunity to further their education and career options.

Employees who are accepted receive full tuition reimbursement, full wages and benefits while they attend college. Students are expected to continue to work some hours each week. If the employee remains at Meadow Brook following graduation for three years all costs are considered repaid.

Any questions regarding the Foundation or general donations can be directed to Marna Robertson, Foundation Secretary 533-8661 ext 116.

Click here for more information about Meadow Brook Foundation